The story of chili
After eating chili have ever got a burning feeling?
This is about reason for the hotness of chili pepper for
those who love spicy foods. More than 6000 years ago chili cultivation was
started in Mexico in American continent and also could be seen in countries
like Peru, Bolivia in a large extend. Through the American exploratory people
chili was introduced to Europe and the through the Portuguese traders it came
to Asia. There are more than 400 chili varieties in all over the world. But
there are 5 species which are commonly used. They can be named as Capsicum
chinese, Capsicum frutescence, Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum annum and Capsicum
pubescence. Capsicum chinese can
be found as the most pungent species. Chili varieties such as bell pepper are
not pungent. Reason behind the pungency of chili is chemical compounds produce
in chili called capsaicinoid compounds. Capsaicin is the main compound
responsible for the pungency of chili which represents 69% of capsaicinoids.
Other than that dihydrocapsaicin (22%), nordihydrocapsaicin (7%), homocapsaicin
(1%), and homodihydrocapsaicin (1%) are also contributed. Capsaicin content in
chili depends on the variety and growing conditions. It is produced as a
repellent for mammalian predators, microorganisms and fungus to protect the
plant from them. But birds are not sensitive for capsaicin. They can eat chili
without any burning sensation. Therefore birds are the spreaders of chili.
Capsaicin is highly produced in white colour placentas which seeds are attached
to and white colour inner wall membrane of the pods. In modern technology,
pungency can be quantitatively measured by using High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) method. Chili pungency is measured in a standard way of
Scoville sacle. It gives quantity of chili heat in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). According
to capsaicin contents, different chili varieties can be found ranging from zero
to millions of Scoville heat units all over the world.
When capsaicin in foods reached to pain receptors in mouth,
nose or skin, it gives the message to brain about burning sensation. That is
how we feel chili heat. These pain receptors are activated in the presence of
heat too. Therefore capsaicin is identified as an offensive substance by the
brain and take the defense actions as same as body exposes to heat. That is the
reason for body begins to sweat, tears are coming, face getting red in colour
and stomach feels like burning after eating high amount of chili. Same time
capsaicin can affect to the mucus membrane causing to secrete extra amount of
mucus from the nose as a defense mechanism to remove out the unwanted
Although high amount of chili heat gives a painful burning
experience, some people love to enjoy spicy foods. According to the scientists,
the reason for that extreme feeling is due to the effect of capsaicin activates
the areas of brain related to pleasure and pain simultaneously. This spice
induced pain can lead to a pleasure after initial burning sensation. The most
relief for the burning sensation due to capsaicin is cold milk. Casein in milk
has a detergent effect on capsaicin. Therefore burning sensation is easily fade
away. If chili is consumed at an optimum
level, it will give so many health benefits without any difficulty such as,
Boost metabolism in body and reduce the appetite
which leads to reduce body weight
Reduce fat burning and fat deposition in blood
vessels that will help to control heart attacks.
Boost immunity of the body
Helps to food digestion by stimulating gastric
enzyme secretion
Helps to
break up congested mucus and get remove it. It will gives some relief from flu
symptoms due to mucus starts to leave the body
Anti-inflammatory agent which gives relieve
Improve digestion and maintain optimal oral health
by stimulating production of saliva
Helps to
get relief from joint pain
Excellent food preserver and prevent food
contamination from bacteria due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties,
therefore helps to control food allergies
There is a trend in food industry and pharmaceutical
industry to extract of capsaicin from chili pepper and incorporate into their
products because of the amazing health benefits and food preserving
characteristics of capsaicin/chili.
Do you use chili in cooking to get a spicy hot and to get a
pleasant color? Surely you may use chili powder bought from the market for your
easiness. Are you sure about the 100% quality of that chili powder?
Many people use chili powder in their cuisines to get spicy
taste and pleasant colour for the food. Mainly for the purpose of increasing
self-life, ripened chili pepper is dried and made into powder. It helps to
preserve chili for a long time without spoilage. China is the largest green
chili producer (34.5 million tons) while India gives the largest dried chili
production with 36% of the world total. Although chili powder can be easily
prepared at home in a clean manner, most of people tend to buy it from the
market. But these days, there is a risk of adulteration of chili powder using
different types of materials such as brick powder, salt powder or talc powder,
starch, artificial colorants with flour and redox powder etc. Original chili
powder doesn’t dissolve in water. So,
how can we identify low quality chili powder? It’s easy. There are simple test
that can be easily performed at home.
Test for brick powder
Add about one teaspoon of chili powder to a
glass of plain water; if it gives a reddish brown color it indicates the sample
contains brick powder. Rub some chili powder on a glass. If it feels some kind
of grittiness and glass like pieces present in the bottom of glass, indicates
the presence of brick powder.
Test for artificial colorings
Add about one teaspoon of chili powder to a
glass of plain water; if it becomes red colour, it indicates the sample is adulterated
with artificial colors like Sudan dye. These dyes are also known carcinogens
and banned to use in foods. Presence of Sudan I or lead oxide like chemicals in
spice ingredients is considered a reasonably foreseeable hazard.
Test for starch
Add few drops of Iodine solution to the
powdered spice. If a bluish colour change can be noticed, it shows the presence
of starch.
These adulterants can give bad side effects
to our body. Specially, there is a high risk to have casinogenic compounds
present in artificial colorants which are used as adulterants. Therefore, it is
better to prepare chili powder by dried chili by yourself for your consumption It
is very easy to grind dried red chili in a mill or at home and store for late
use as well. Flavor of homemade spices
are really fresher and much safer to consume.
In case of buying dried chili, it is better
to check them well before buying as they may contain fungus in it. Outside
appearance of chili pods may be good but fungus may be inside of pods. When you
can break some chili pods from the middle, if it shows a smoke comes out, it
indicates it is contaminated with fungus. Some chemicals produced by fungus
like Aflatoxin can be carcinogenic from body. Therefore, you should be careful
when you buy dried chili from the market. If chili powder is bought from
market, quality of dried chili used to produce it cannot be ensured. It is better consume green chili instead of
dried chili or chili powder may give many health benefits as green and red
chili contain lots of nutritional compounds including vitamins, antioxidants,
beta carotene and minerals than dried chili.
Reason for chili hot - video clip
Simple tests to detect chili powder quality - video clip
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